The Impact of Tax Policy On Different Socioeconomic Groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina
This policy brief was produced by the University of Banja Luka, Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer Center and examines the impact higher tobacco taxes would have on smoking prevalence and government revenue. The policy brief notes that slow and gradual increases in tobacco excise taxes have not been enough to reduce tobacco consumption significantly. The policy brief recommends a 25 percent increase in the specific tax on tobacco products to reduce prevalence and increase government revenue.
December 2019
Location(s): Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe
Project: Think Tanks Project: Accelerating Progress on Tobacco Taxes in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Content Type: Policy Brief
Topic(s): Cost-effectiveness, Economic consequences, Economic impacts of tobacco control, Impact on demand, Impact on the poor, Prevalence and consumption, Tax and price, Tax levels and structure, Tobacco taxes revenues, Tobacco use
Authors(s): Dragan Gligorić, Ph.D., Ljubiša Mićić, Dragana Preradović Kulovac, Anđela Pepić, Ph.D. (c)